January 27 – Psalm 22:28  

Posted by Jan Ross

The news headlines continue to remind us of the desperation of mankind.

Earthquakes. Extreme weather. Unleashed wickedness. Unemployment. Rising prices. Government failures. Political battles. Poverty. Starvation. Homelessness. The list could go on to fill pages. However…

God is in control. We serve a God who is "governor among the nations." No matter how things look in the natural, God is in control. He and He alone.

There is no power in heaven or on earth that can match the power of God. No principality or power can usurp His might and His sovereignty over all. There is no reason to fear … our God is THE "governor among the nations." He and He alone.

"For the kingdom is the Lord's: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

Regardless what we face—natural disaster, disease, financial crises, family problems, loss of income, abandonment, rejection, pain, emotional turmoil, persecution, or whatever else may be going on in your life, our God is the "governor among the nations" and He is in control. He and He alone.

Do you live in fear? Are you afraid of the future? Do you see evil in the days ahead growing worse and worse? There is no one and there is nothing out of God's governing power. Rest in the fact that the end of history is already written and the Kingdom of God prevails because the King Himself has won the victory.

Let the peace of God reign in your heart—the peace that passes all human understanding. There is nothing God cannot do; He is the "governor among the nations" and there is nothing too difficult for Him. God is in control…He and He alone!

O Sovereign Lord, help me to put my trust in Your governorship over all that concerns me. Remind me moment by moment that there is nothing too difficult for You; that You are Lord, the "governor among the nations." You and You alone! Help me to find peace in knowing You are in control. Because of Jesus and in His name I pray, amen and amen.

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 26 – 1 Samuel 12:24  

Posted by Jan Ross

The mercy of God is one attribute that everyone finds easy to live with. If we're honest with ourselves, we often think, "God is merciful, He'll understand" when trying to ease our conscience as we face difficult decisions. Even those that have not made Jesus Lord of their lives count on God's mercy thinking that He is too "good" to allow them to be eternally separated from Him even though they never made a commitment to Him.

The fear of God, however, is another story. Our relationship with the Lord is nothing to be taken lightly. It is a serious duty we are called to time and time again throughout scripture. To fear Him is to honor Him, to reverence Him, to count Him worthy of our undivided love and adoration. We must be filled with truth and sincerity, godly conversation, true worship, not in show only or in meaningless empty words, but in everything we are, everything we say, and everything we do.

"Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you." (1 Samuel 12:24)

We cannot afford to present ourselves as being divided; as the world looks on they need to see single-mindedness, direction, integrity, love, devotion—all attributes that will point them to the Source of our entire being.

Let the world see that we are bound to Him in service because of all the wonderful things He's done for us. We could never hope to repay him through our works, but we are compelled to work for Him because of our love and gratitude.

Fear Him in truth with all your heart.

Father, help me never take for granted Your mercy which You have extended to me through your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me never forget Your benefits. Put a guard over my mouth, Lord, that nothing be said that would rob You of the glory and reverence due Your name. Be with me today, Lord, and help me fear You with every word, act, and deed, with every fiber of my being. All honor and glory is yours oh Lord, because of Who You are, my God and my King. Amen.

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 25 – 1 Timothy 6:6  

Posted by Jan Ross

[Note: Please check updates on Heart of God Haiti by clicking HERE.]

Godliness . . . what is it? Reverence, respect, piety toward God.

Contentment . . . what is it? Sufficiency of the necessities of life.

The Apostle Paul makes a statement that needs to be heard and heeded by all Christians. "But godliness with contentment is great gain." (1 Timothy 6:6)

Godliness in itself is great gain and is profitable in all things. And, wherever there is Godliness, there is contentment. This type of contentment is worth all the wealth of the world. To have the world's riches may bring temporary contentment, but that soon erodes away as there is no foundation for life in earthly riches. When the riches are gone, or when they begin to place too many demands on us, we soon lose our contentment only to seek it from other sources.

Godliness is a Christian's gain, the true way to gain. A Godly man or woman has learned, just like Paul, to be content in whatever state they find themselves because they are content with God and don't rely on anything else to bring them peace and satisfaction in life. They are content with what God Himself purposes and provides for them, knowing well that He knows what is best for them in all situations and under all circumstances.

We need to pursue godliness; we need to find contentment. Take the time today to examine your heart. Are you seeking a better physical lifestyle, or are you seeking Godliness? Are you praying for "things" and more of them? Or, are you content in the place where God has you right now? These are tough questions, but they need an answer . . . now.

Father, help me to seek after Godliness with my whole heart and to find the place of contentment for whatever state I am in. Help me remember that the path to true Godliness is reverence, respect and piety toward You. Lord, teach me to pray for the right things in my quest for true contentment, and when I find contentment, help me guard it as the true treasure it is, amen.

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:11-13)

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 20 – John 9:3  

Posted by Jan Ross

The thing we desire the most—to please our Heavenly Father, to live a life which stands out as being contrary to the ways of the world. Just as the moon has no light in and of itself, we cannot truly "shine" without reflecting the glory of the Lord in all we say and do. We have no ability to shine on our own; we only reflect the light of the Sun.

"Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him." (John 9:3)

The blind man was not responsible for his situation because of any sin in his life. His parents were not held accountable, nor his grandparents, etc. He was blind so the Father could be glorified in his life.

Ask yourself a question: Why am I the way I am? The answer is simple: So the Lord might be glorified through our lives. God, the Creator, in His omniscience, knew exactly what you needed to be in order to complete His plans for all of creation.

The next time you look in the mirror, be sure to understand that God made you to be who you are. Praise Him because you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" in the likeness of His image so He might be glorified in you.

Father, my desire is that You would be glorified in my life, that I would become content in who You made me so I could fulfill Your purposes in my life. Lord, help me to appreciate my uniqueness and to use every one of my shortcomings to bring glory to You in some way. Thank you, Lord, for making me special, after Your image, for Your glory! Amen!

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved




January 19 – Psalm 139:1  

Posted by Jan Ross

Please Check the Updates on HG-Haiti's Website – Read About Yesterday's Miracles and Praise God with Us!

Many people have the fear that if they ever revealed to someone what they were really like, that person would reject them. There are many people who go through life thinking there is no way anyone could ever know them intimately and still love them. However, God knows us, better than we know ourselves! And, He loves us more than we could ever imagine!

"O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me." (Psalm 139:1)

God is omniscient. He is all knowing. He knows all things about everything, and He knows them perfectly. He knows what we need before we pray. He knows and understands our suffering. He never misunderstands us or anything. We stand naked and open before Him. There is nothing He doesn't know.

Because He is omniscient, we have to remember that His ways are better than our ways. We need to learn to trust Him and be obedient to Him because He knows where each path will ultimately take us. Because of His omniscience, He knows what is best for us. All that is required of us is total trust and obedience.

Take a few moments today and consider the things that you have hidden away hoping that you won't have to deal with them ever again. God already knows they are there and He wants you to know that it's okay; you don't have to hide them away in the secret recesses of your heart. He has already made a way for you to deal with them.

If it is sin, it's under the blood.

If it is shame, He's already dealt with it.

If you're hiding shortcomings, He knows all about them.

He made you and perfectly formed in His image, fearfully and wonderfully made, by His hands and for His glory.

Are you hiding FROM Him or are you hidden IN Him? Search your heart today.

Father, it is so hard sometimes for me to comprehend the love you have for me. It's hard for me to understand how you could love me after everything I've done. I stand before you right now and ask you to forgive me for limiting your power in my life by not acknowledging Your omniscience. Forgive me for hiding from You and help me to live a life hidden IN You. Father, help me to "comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." (Ephesians 3:18-19) Amen and Amen!

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 18 - Psalm 73:28  

Posted by Jan Ross

HAITI UPDATE: We hope to update the blog this morning. However, urgent prayer is needed as Dicksent is going to try to cross the border into the Dominican Republic to make a connection to purchase food, water and blankets and carry them back to Canape Vert. Please pray for divine protection, for favor at the border, an...d that he'll make the connection as arranged. Pray that provision will reach the people quickly.

* * * *

Draw nigh to God, put our trust in the Lord that we may declare His works.

God's divine order would have it that we first and foremost cultivate our relationship with Him, for without it there is no foundation for trust and there is no passion for the testimony of His works. It is a good thing for man to carefully pursue and secure a relationship with God, above all things. As God draws near to us, we must run to meet Him, thus drawing near to Him. It is not only our duty; it should be our desire to have an ongoing and ongrowing relationship with Him.

The next step, however, is putting our trust in the Lord. By putting our trust in the Lord, we proclaim that we will never seek after other gods, we will never prostitute our faith by allowing generic gods to infiltrate our spiritual life. Whom do we serve? Whom do we trust? Whom do we acknowledge in all things? The King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Lord God Almighty. Trust Him with all that is within you and your heart will remain steadfast, never wavering, never seeking after false gods.

Though the mountains crumble and fall into the sea. Though the earth shake from its foundations. Though the sun fail to shine. A steadfast heart will never waver but be assured our God reigns.

Finally, when we have drawn near to Him and placed our trust and faith in Him, a bold declaration of His wondrous works becomes second nature to us. It becomes easy to speak of His goodness and His mercy when we personally have a firm grip on Him, even when life's circumstances dictate otherwise. A heart drawn near will never lose its focus but will continue to declare the works of God, His unfailing mercies, and His faithfulness to us all.

Next time you feel the urge to testify of God's goodness, go ahead. Boldly witness. Be confident that God will use your testimony to produce fruit in the life (lives) of those with whom you are sharing. Don't hesitate. God is glorified when we declare His works with the boldness that comes from drawing near and putting our trust in Him.

"But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works." (Psalm 73:28)

Father, I find that many times I'm distracted and don't take the time to draw near to You as I should. Forgive me, Lord, and help me to change my ways. Help me to build my faith and trust in You so that I can boldly declare Your works to all I come in contact with. Father, I truly want to praise Your name through my words, my deeds, my life . . . that You alone would be glorified! Amen and Amen!

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 15 – Psalm 90:12  

Posted by Jan Ross

The Psalmist was praying: "Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom" (Psalm 90:12).

What do you do with your time? Have you ever stopped to think about how much time you waste doing "nothing"?

Imagine there is a bank that puts in your account $86,400 every morning. If you don't spend it all by that night, the bank will take it away from you. What would you do? You would spend every single penny of that $86,400. Every one of us has a bank account like that, it's called "time." Every morning we are given 86,400 seconds. Every night the balance that we did not spend or invest wisely is written off as a loss. There is no going back, and you can't borrow against tomorrow. Each of us has to live on today's deposit. Most important is that we invest it to get the most out of health, life, service, and ministry.

Since we are at the beginning of a new year, wouldn't it be wise for us to take account of how we spend our time?

Are we using our time so that we might ultimately "grow in wisdom?"

Are we using our time to do service to the Kingdom of God?

Are we using our time to grow in faith, to increase our knowledge of Him, and to minister God's grace to all we come in contact with each day?

Do we take the time to dedicate each day totally to Him for His use?

Today is the day to examine our lifestyles and our motives. Are we wisely using the gift of "time" that God has given us, or are we wasting it looking for pleasure that will only last for a moment? If we find that we're falling short in wise investments, now is the time to make a quality decision to change, and with God's help, your time will become a precious gift you can present to the Lord as part of your "reasonable service" to Him.

Father, when I look at my days, I find that there is so much time wasted doing things that have no real meaning, that produce no ministry, that are just discarded. Forgive me for wasting such a precious gift as "time." Lord, help me to redeem my wasted time by showing me ways to use my time more wisely, to be a productive Christian, to exhibit a servant's heart in all I do. Lord, I long to live a life pleasing to You—in all I say, in all I do, in every aspect of my life. Thank you, Lord, for showing me how important time is to You, amen.

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 11 – Psalm 66:20  

Posted by Jan Ross

What do we think of when we see prayer answered? If we're like most, our attention is immediately drawn to the answer of our prayer and giving God the glory is not our first priority. Unfortunately, if we don't see answered prayer, praise is often far from our lips, or secondary at the very best. This verse implies something quite different we need to carefully consider:

"Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me." (Psalm 66:20)

The Psalmist is quick to recognize that his prayers have been heard and God's mercy has been provided. But, knowing all that, his first matter of business is to give praise and glory to God; the emphasis is not on answered prayer, but on giving God the glory due His name.

Praise is first, regardless of the outcome of the prayer. Praise should be continually on our lips, long before we see the answer to our prayers.

Praise should be a way of life. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, said, "...for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." (Phil. 4:11) Paul wasn't concerned about his life's situations and circumstances. He understood the Psalmist's statement in today's verse: "Blessed be God...." He first praised God, the number one priority in his life.

Begin to praise God today for Who He is, for what He has done, and for what He is doing. If He has answered specific prayers for you, be sure to acknowledge it, but praise Him first and foremost.

Don't allow your praise to be conditional, but make it a priority in your life, today and every day.

Father, I praise You. I bless Your Name for Your Name is above every name that is in heaven or on the earth. Your glory can be seen in all Your works; there is none like You in all the earth. Father, I thank you for answered prayer and for your unconditional mercy, but first, and foremost, Lord, I give you praise. Be glorified, Lord, be glorified, amen!

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 8 – Proverbs 18:10  

Posted by Jan Ross

Our God is sufficient in all things; His name is above all names. His name is a strong tower for us where we can find rest when we're weary, and take sanctuary when we are being pursued.

Kay Arthur wrote a short story which gives us a glimpse of what the name of the Lord truly means to us:

"The muffled, distant sound had broken the quiet reverie of his walk across the meadow. The sharp barking of a dog almost irritated him. It was abrasive in that tranquil setting. As the barking grew louder, his eyes scanned the meadow, looking for the culprit. Suddenly a small doe broke through the edge of the woods. Now he understood. Leaning against the fence post, the man watched with compassion as the doe cut across the broad expanse of meadow. She was running straight toward him. He stood motionless, not wanting to add the fear of man to the animal's frustration. As the frightened fawn leaped the fence, she staggered. The chase had taken its toll. Her wet coat gleaming in the sun, the doe stopped, took a few steps in one direction, then, ears held high, looked back toward the sound of the barking. The dog had broken through the woods. Eyes wide with fright, confused, worn out, panting wildly, the doe surveyed her surroundings, quickly discovering the man standing beside the fence. Glancing back for an instant at the dog in hot pursuit, then viewing the expanse of open field before her, she turned weakly and wobbled straight toward the man. She approached him without fear and buried her head in his tummy. Compassion flooded his heart and filled his eyes. She had found a protector." (1)

The doe found a "strong tower" and she ran into it and was safe! This is a beautiful picture of today's verse: the name of the Lord is our strong tower, waiting until we are finished expending our own energy to finally seek out a refuge, a sanctuary. And, casting aside our fears, we run to Him and bury ourselves in the Lord! We then find ourselves engulfed in the reality of His covenants and promises, a strong tower, impenetrable, impregnable, and immovable.

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." (Proverbs 18:10)

Where do you find your refuge? Who or what is your tower of strength? Finally, where do you run in time of trouble? The righteous dwell in God and God in; they believe He is their tower of strength and they find refuge in Him.

Get to know your God. Know the strength in the name of the Lord. Learn of His attributes, His all-encompassing power, His never-ending love, His overwhelming compassion.

Father, I need to know you more; I need to know the strength in Your name in a greater way. Father, I long to be like the deer and find refuge in You. I recognize my need for You more each day. Please, Lord, meet me at the point of my need to know You more than ever before! Amen!

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

(1) From "Lord I Want To Know You" by Kay Arthur, 1992, published by Multnomah Books

January 6 – Psalm 60:12  

Posted by Jan Ross

Surely there is no argument—it is God who does all things for us.

"Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies." (Psalm 60:12)

But, while we agree He does all things for us, we have an obligation to trust, to obey and to have hope...the true badge of courage. If God is on our side, and He is, what need do we have for fear? In and of ourselves, we are weak, yet it is He that infuses us with strength and inspires us with courage and resolution in the face of our problems. But as valiant as our actions sometimes seem, any and all success must be attributed only and entirely to Him; it is He that shall tread down our enemies, and not we ourselves. All of our victories are from Him; therefore, at His feet all our crowns must be cast.

Many times we adopt a "victim mentality" thinking that it is always someone else's fault that bad things are happening to us – that someone or something is always after us or that something will always go wrong because "bad things always happen to me." We look to blame others for our circumstances rather than taking responsibility ourselves. God expects us to take responsibility for every one of our actions and to bring ourselves (our motives and actions) into subjection to Him. And, although we may not be able to control every circumstance, we can control our response. We're not "victims." A price too dear has been paid to purchase for us the VICTORY. We aren't "victims, " we're "victors". Victors through the shed blood of Christ, Victors because the Sovereign Victorious One dwells within us, moves in us, and has established His throne in our hearts.

Acknowledge the victories He has won for you. Think about where you might have been had it not been for the Lord, then Praise Him for His work in your life today and every day. Remember always that you are not a "victim" of any one or any circumstance; you are a VICTOR in Jesus Christ, the Sovereign Victorious King.

Lord, you are the Victor and because of You I am no longer a victim of circumstances. Because of You I fall benefit to the victories You have won. Help me to remember always it is offensive to the completed work of the cross for me to adopt a "victim mentality" under any circumstance. Help me that I might honor You by living a victorious life through Jesus Christ my Lord. Hallelujah! What a Saviour! Amen.

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 5 – Song 3:2  

Posted by Jan Ross

You've got to read this verse: "I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not." (Song 3:2)

Now, read it again and begin to feel the desperation of this one's "seeking"! It's a picture of a seeker, one who rises from bed, goes out into the city streets, into the broad ways, and seeks "him whom my soul loveth".

The word "seek" in this verse is translated as to beg, beseech, desperately desire, long for, (make) request, require, seek (for)—certainly not a casual want or desire. This is an intense seeking, a seeking for something one absolutely must have, a seeking that even includes begging and striving to find. Seeking "whom my soul loveth . . ."

When was the last time you arose in the morning and set on a quest to seek the One whom your soul loveth? Or, perhaps it would be better to ask whom does your soul love? Wouldn't you say that which we seek after is that which we love the most?

As we begin this new year, let's consider how seriously we take our daily search for the Lord. Where does the Lord fit into our daily schedule or routine? Is He first? Does He get snuck in where there are a few free moments? Does He get put off until we're so tired we can't keep our eyes open or our hearts focused? Is our seeking of the Lord an intense seeking? Have we become like some who may not even feel it necessary to be so intense about our pursuit of God?

This is a season of new beginnings. Let's take advantage of this new year to examine our hearts and make a commitment to pursue God with all that is within us. That which we pursue with this type of intensity is that which we love most. Do we love the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength? Then let's pursue Him whom our soul loveth in hot pursuit!

Isaiah 55:6 admonishes us, "Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near." Pursue Him more than anything. Seek Him and you will find Him...that's a promise.

Father, I confess that my pursuit of You has often been weak and lacking the drive of one in hot pursuit. Father, I want this year to be different—to be a new start and a new beginning for me as I commit to seek You with all that is within me. Father, You promised that if I seek You, You will be found. Lord, I want You – I want to know You, I want to know Your love more than ever before. I am determined to feel that desperation for You, to need You more than my very next breath. Help me to find "him whom my soul loveth"! In Jesus' name, amen and amen!

©Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 4 – Genesis 4:7  

Posted by Jan Ross

Conviction! Cain was considering his inadequate offering to the Lord; the Lord was displeased and spoke to Cain the words recorded in Genesis 4:7: "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." Cain made a choice – the wrong choice – and suffered the consequences!

How many times have we ignored that small, still voice and continued in our sin? How many times have we turned and blamed God for the consequences of our own sin?

James 4:7-10 says, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. . . . Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."

Be careful to listen to the voice of conviction! Don't heed the enemy's call to sin but rather heed the Spirit's call to righteousness and holiness, to purity and freedom! We have the ability to control these evil desires planted in our mind by the enemy's malicious schemes – we are NOT slaves to sin unless we choose to be.

We can no longer say, "the devil made me do it" because as Paul said in Romans 6:18, "You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness."

If we claim Jesus Christ as our Master, our Savior, our King, and our Lord, then we have been made free from sin. The blood of Calvary made a way for us to live in freedom if we will just heed the voice of conviction. Become slaves to righteousness and thus fulfill the Word of the Lord for us all.

Do what is right and avoid the sin that is crouching at your door for surely it desires to have you. You have the key through Jesus Christ; use the key and shut the door. Lock it securely and refuse to let sin enter the door of your heart.

Lord, I read about Cain and how he offended You and yet You came and gave him a chance to do what was right and I see how so often You deal with me in the very same way. Forgive me, Lord, for not mastering the sin that is crouching at my door. Lord, help me to heed Your voice, to use the key You gave me to shut the door in the tempter's face and lock it by choosing what is right. Help me always to walk in Your ways and to choose You over sin. Help me heed the voice of conviction. In Jesus' name, amen and amen.

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

January 1 – Isaiah 43:19  

Posted by Jan Ross

God is always taking us forward, leading and guiding us into unknown territories as we learn to lean on Him in greater measure. God made a promise to Israel that He would do yet greater things for them than He had already done in the past. The testimony of their forefathers was tremendous; God had proven Himself mighty, doing wonders far beyond their expectations. Yet, He promised to do even greater things in the future—New Things!

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:19)

At the beginning of this new year, we might just as well expect God to do even greater things in the days ahead than He has in the past, not only in our personal lives, but in the entire Body of Christ.

There is a familiar phrase that says, "In order to go where we've never been, we have to do something we've never done." If we want to grow into an ever-increasingly closer walk with Him, we're going to have to do some things we've never done before; we need to take our commitments as believers in Jesus Christ to another level.

As you contemplate all the "News" that this New Year brings, take time to develop a plan of daily seeking Him in a greater measure than ever before, make His Word a priority in your life, make personal prayer time a habit. Establish yourself in a deeper commitment than you have ever before experienced and you will indeed see Him do a "New Thing" in your life.

Father, thank You for drawing me into a deeper relationship with You. As I look back at what You have done for our forefathers—those who have paved the path of faith—and as I look back over my own life considering where you've brought me from, I am challenged to commit myself to a closer walk with You. Father, I need You more than yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow! Thank you for doing a "New Thing" in my life by calling me to a higher plane of loving, serving, and worshipping You. Amen.

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved