April 25 – Psalm 13:6  

Posted by Jan Ross

"I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me."
(Psalm 13:6)

Today's verse might remind us of a song most of us have heard at one time or another in our lifetime: "Count your blessings, name them one by one . . ." But, when was the last time you actually did this?

It is easy to become so overwhelmed with life's circumstances and situations that we become blinded to the fact that God has indeed dealt bountifully with us! His mercies are never ending; His loving kindness is greater than life itself! His salvation is sure and His forgiveness is complete! His peace is real in the face of every storm; His provision is made manifest in the face of every need!

Has He dealt bountifully with you? When you stop and consider all that He has given you and done for you, a song of praise is due him! You say you can't sing? Make a joyful noise . . . but whatever you do, praise Him, thank Him, exalt Him! He's worthy of all our praise . . . it is due Him! Start off the day right with a song of praise on your lips, with a peace in your heart knowing that He has indeed dealt bountifully with you in every matter that concerns you!

Father, you have indeed dealt bountifully with me . . . I praise You for all You have done, for that which I see and even for that which I don't see. Lord, I glorify You and magnify You for Your goodness toward me. Words are hard to find that express my heartfelt gratitude and the depth of my love for You. It's not just what You have done that I praise You for . . . it's who You are . . . who You are to me! You are my All In All! Amen!

"Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God." (2 Corinthians 9:11)

© 2008 Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

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